"Cannot Open Database ""Odiprep"" Requested by the Login. The Login Failed." Updated FREE

"Cannot Open Database ""Odiprep"" Requested by the Login. The Login Failed."

[Expand] User Manual for DataLab PANTHEON v.5 No formula defined! [Collapse] Datalab PANTHEON 5.5 Guide [Expand] Orders [Expand] Settings [Expand] Manufacturing [Expand] Goods [Expand] Service [Expand] Financials [Expand] Personnel [Expand] ZEUS Business Intelligence System [Expand] Desktop Web Portals Extra [Expand] Datalab Software Organization Surroundings [Collapse] Messages and Warnings Discard Changes? Do you actually want to delete the already confirmed Price Change document? Practise y'all actually want to copy direct costs and transport to documents? Do you want to delete errors? Practice you really want to delete lines with quantity zero? Do you actually desire to delete the template? Do you really want to delete the user group? Are you lot sure you want to delete the user: Xxx? WARNING! All settings of the user volition be deleted! Practise you really desire to delete this record Do you really want to export information to the directory 30? Practice you lot actually want to delete this line? Are you sure you want to copy authorisation settings from user (20)? Do you really desire to create a cash disbursement? Do you really want to create a cash receipt? Exercise you want to create customs registrations? Do y'all actually want to create taxes? Practise you really desire to create the SAD? Do you actually want to create documents? Practise y'all really desire to create documents for involvement? Do you really desire to create the DDV-VP form? Do y'all want to create a foreign transfer (form 1450)? Exercise yous want to create buy orders? Practise yous really want to open the document? Do you actually want to perform a new inventory count? Do you lot really desire to re-read the new partial stock count? Do you actually want to continue? Do you really want to clone the strange transfer? Exercise you really want to recalculate lines? Do yous really desire to re-read the prices and copy the m to the documents? Exercise you actually want to approve/copy data? Exercise you actually desire to approve prices? Exercise you really desire to corroborate the inventory count? Practise yous really want to approve the service guild? Practice you really want to cancel the performance? Do you actually want to overwrite the existitng data? Do you really desire to transfer data? Do you really want to transfer series numbers from the record to inventory count? Do you really want to transfer the user 20 from grouping XXX to group YYY? Practice you lot really want to recalculate prices? Warning! Existing prices will be overwritten! Do you actually desire to recalculate weight? Exercise you really desire to recalculate factors based on cumulative factors? Do y'all really want to move the selected payment orders? Practice yous really desire to approve/copy data? Do you really want to re-create the SAD to daily issues? Practice you lot really want to copy accounts? Do you actually want to copy information? WARNING! Existing data volition be overwritten! Do you lot really want to re-create price centes/departments to lines? Do you really desire to alter the proper name XX? Erstwhile name: XX New proper noun: YY Do you actually want to modify the tax rate? Do you desire to update the Evangelize Past engagement in all lines? Do you actually want to change the business relationship code? Erstwhile code: Thirty New lawmaking: YYY Do y'all really want to import financial reports? Do you really want to import categories? Practise you really want to import dashboards? Practise you really want to import departments? Do y'all really desire to import toll centers? Do you actually want to import report types? Do yous actually want to import data from directory 30? Do you lot really want to import posting templates? Practice yous actually want to import SQL procedures? Practice you really want to import document types? Do yous really want to import all document types? Do you really want to insert a certificate line? Do yous actually want to close the cash register? Do yous actually want to delete the complete journal entry? Do you really want to reset the layout of the currently active window? Do y'all actually want to reset the layout of tables in the currently agile window? Are you sure you want to reset all layouts? All windows will close for the changes to accept effect! Do you want to delete the user XX in all databases? Do you want to generate a list of all document types? Do yous really desire to quit? Exercise yous really want to suspension the link to the collective certificate Thirty? Do yous really want to repost the temporary accounts? Exercise you want to copy the user to other databases? Particular has dissimilar payment deadline than document! Item cannot be added to its ain pecker of materials! Cannot automatically issue serial numbers! Entered quantity 10 Bodily quantity Y Deviation Ten - Y Stock update non successful! ID: XX Bank statement not posted! All entries volition exist discarded! Close the window anyway? Database with this name already exists! Cash receipt/disbursement already created (Xxx)! Delete not successful! Database build # is Xx, program build # is YY! Upgrade the database! Database build is: XX, program buidl is: YY! New program version required! Valuation price in line X for item Y is zero! Enter the valuation price in the corresponding field! Greenbacks receipt/disbursement already created (Xxx)! Pricing level must be defined! The file XXX.Db does not exist! File is in employ! Date TO must be divers and must be before than the opening date! The Date TO of the accounting period must be divers! Invoice date is more than 8 days later than packing slip appointment! Due engagement to must be divers! Certificate Due Date is Different from Journal Entry Period Date! Tax menstruation (Thirty) already closed! It cannot be inverse anymore! Supplier did not supply item with this series number! External ID already in use! Calculation entries not successful 30! Adding completed (partially transferred)! Adding completed (transferred)! Adding completed (transferred, add serial numbers)! Adding complete (untransferred)! Certificate or document entries already linked with Sorry! Trying to add the document on itself! Material consumption in the certificate already posted! CAnnot delete anymore! Document already posted! Continue anyway? Document already posted! Information technology cannot be deleted anymore! Document has been already approved! Totals may non be correct! Continue anyway? Document already approved! It cannot be canonical anymore! Document already approved! Calculation cannot exist edited anymore! Document already approved! Prices cannot exist approved anymore! Document non created! Select a prepayment to close! Document with this number already exists! Documents cannot exist renumbered! Certificate with this number already exists! Exercise you want to insert information technology? In this case, all documents will exist renumbered! Document not approved! Document (Xxx) not linked! Trying to add the certificate on itself! Document cannot be selected for export becasue it contains errors! Document cannot be selected for import becasue it contains errors! Certificate cannot be linked with this Intrastat course! Document XXX cannot exist edited because the user is already editing it! Set distribution key Password too short (must exist at to the lowest degree XX characters)! Field length cannot be zero! The quantity on the merits received from the client XX has been reached. Cancel the link to the document Thirty? Posting can be: C-Credit only, D-Debit only, B-Both or Northward-No posting immune! Indistinguishable primal: Thirty at YYY The country non entered! You cannot leave this field empty! EAN lawmaking already in use for X! SAD/Intrastat for this certificate is already created (30)! FTP/HTTP: Proxy at port xx Detection consummate The discount cannot be over 100.00%! Stock count complete! Select at to the lowest degree one toll for report (Price 1, Price 2)! Field name must be defined! Inventory count already approved (documents: XXX)! Delete old documents first! But an active particular tin be selected! Receivable and payment must exist selected! All lines must exist selected! Cannot delete inventory count because information technology is already confirmed! The selected document is already posted! Continue anyway? Form DDV-VP tin can exist printed only for an stop customer! Source user must be defined! Data export consummate! Post was created with automated posting (XXX)! Keep anyway? Posting non possible! Depository financial institution argument for this period has already been posted! Posting not possible! Supply missing data in line Twenty! Posting successful! Journal entry: 30! Posting complete! Detail ID cannot be inverse anymore! Item ID in the BOM must exist defined! Quantity is already partially or completely reserved! Selected quantity: XX, remaining quantity: YY! Quantity is already partially or completely reserved! ID: Twenty Quantity on the picking list can exist less than or equal to the quantity on the social club! Maximum quantity is X! Quantity of the serial number must exist positive! Supplier and customer account must be divers! Just a product or a semi-product can have a BOM! Just compound items can have a BOM! Quantity on the picking list must be greater or equal to the dispatched quantity! This pick for production price adding is not recommended with the MF edition! This may lead to incorrect production prices. Please cheque! Created documents! Involvement from XX to YY. Reminders from ZZ to QQ. Cannot delete set-off considering information technology is already posted! Cosmos possible only for purchase types Import, Non-resident or Others from abroad! Installments created! Cosmos of the company (XX) Not successful! Cosmos finished successfully! Creation successful! Documents XXX - YYY Criteria must be divers (subject, date, document type and item)! Criteria must be divers! Quantity is 0! Client has open prepayments, Cheque! Customer exceeded the limit for: Twenty! Customer did not buy this item with this serail number! Do you want an overview of all buyers of this item? Twelvemonth of engagement must be equal to year of the document! Goods period concluded on DD.MM.YYYY! Editing non immune! An item with this ID alraedy exists! Name: Twenty! Particular with this ID does non be! No posting immune on business relationship XX! A payment method must be specified! Sale type must be divers! Sale blazon for customer is different from auction blazon on certificate! Please check! Select line first! Open new calculation first! Open new document header first! Define payment start, payment blazon should exist cheque or standing guild! Study error! New password and new password confirmation are non identical! Error in line Error in business relationship settings (DEBIT)! Error in business relationship settings (CREDIT)! Error in file path for file structure 20! Error in document type settings for shortage! Error in document type settings for backlog! Error logging in to SQL server! Login to database failed! Cannot open database requested in login Demo55. Orders can be from a single customer/supplier! Order transferred to work order (30)! Order already transferred to picking list. Do you desire to retransfer information technology? Field championship must exist defined! Set transaction on document type! Set document type! Naziv poslovnega partnerja moraš obvezno vnesti! Document cannot be deleted! Invoice with negative prepayment already created! Cannot delete original SQLI procedure! You lot cannot delete yourself! Cannot issue a quantity college than stated on the picking list! Maximum quantity is (X)! Report cannot be generated! The discipline has not tax number defined! Cannot allocate line! Not plenty available stock! The inventory count in warehouse Twenty was confirmed on YY. Textile movements earlier than this date cannot exist inverse. the written report cannot exist created for a closed period! The name may not containg quotes! Invalid characters in ID! Negative prepayment(s) created: 20! Nepopolno vnešeni podatki (naziv kolone). Dopolnite podatke o pogodbi. Incorrect purchase type! Must be import or non-resident! Wrong purchase blazon! Must be import from Eu! Wrong auction type! Must be export! Incorrect sale type! Must be export to European union! Not plenty stock to modify quantity! No documents selected for transfer! Cannot create SAD. Warehouse not divers or stock tracking not enabled. No data for report! No payment order! No information to post! No records! nothing to post! You are non authorized to issue documents! Non item has been added! No document selected! The port range and timeout are not specified or are non integers Refresh complete! Menstruum cannot be changed anymore! End engagement must be earlier than the date of the next calculation! From date must be prior or equal to TO engagement! Kickoff appointment must be afterwards than the date of the previous calculation! The VAT business relationship for this menstruum is closed! Adding already closed! It cannot exist changed anymore! VAT account successfully finished! Form 1450 already created! A document for the issuance of appurtenances already exists before XXX, therefore a cost change is irrelevant! Department must be specified Deparment with this registration number already exists! no user can have the ID SA! Functioning Complete! Označeni then dokumenti s statusi (), za katere se ta funkcija ne more than izvesti. Select documents for creating a strange currency transaction! Only one certificate type tin be selected (supplier, bank, currency and document type)! Receivable and prepayment must exist selected! The subject (XXX) has an identical revenue enhancement ID! The subject (30) has the same registration number! Subject tin have only a one-mode link! Subject details cannot be inverse anymore! Payment order is already confirmed or reversed! To pay it again, manually assign the status Outstanding Payment orders already effected! Creation non possible! Pod izbranimi pogoji ni podatkov za izvoz! Podatek lahko vsebuje le numerične znake! Company XX created! The field (XXX) is required for numbering and must be defined! Field (Xxx) must be specified! Price approval complete! Inventory count approved! You are trying to confirm an order that should already be fulfilled! Order line transferred to piece of work gild (30)! Picking list line(s) already dispatched! Calculation not possible! Order line(southward) already issued via picking list! Cannot delete! The order lines are allocated, therefore the warehouse cannot be changed! The line cannot be deleted! Information technology was already returned with the document Thirty. Consignee must be divers! The received merits from customer (claim No) has already been closed with the document. Do you really want to go along? Break link to credit note (Xxx)? Maximum number of installments has been exceeded (X)! Document transfer complete! Data transfer complete! Transfer to manufacturing completed! Cost recalculation complete! Principal central with this value already exists! The first two numbers of the document number differ from the year! The sum of splits must be equal to the corporeality of the original journal entry item! SAD copy to daily issues successfully completed! Data copy consummate! Manual input o picking list not possible! Production borderline must exist defined! Preračune v Evro znotraj sklopa je potrebno poganjati po vrsti od zgoraj navzdol! Account residual Xxx Prior to journal entry XXX On periodical entry YYY Full residual ZZZ Series number Xxx already issued! Serijska številka je že delno ali v celoti rezervirana! Serial numbers/Lamentable can but be from 1 line of the customs warehouse reception! Series numbers have more than 1 piece! Serial number cannot be changed anymore! Serial number (20) not in warehouse! Serial number must be entered! Th sum of installments must be equal to the payment! Warehouse must be specified! Warehouse cannot be changed anymore! Warehouse on the social club is different from warehouse on the document! Continue anyway? The selected warehouse does non effect items via the picking list! A store warehouse must be divers! User group with that name already exists? User grouping contains users! Cannot delete! Specification for calculation types 0 and i does not exist! Price change based on issued documents! Such documents cannot exist canonical! Primary key has been changed! Do yous actually want to continue? Client was changed! Practise you want to reread auction prices? You are trying to change the quantity in a line that is already linked to a refund. Exercise you really want to continue? Standard menu items cannot be deleted! Incorrect onetime countersign! Status must be divers! Discipline is not an employee! Practise you want to create a personal binder for employee Twenty? Discipline with this name already exists! Document type lawmaking must be at least iii characters long! Certificate type ID cannot be changed anymore! The serial number count has been reached! Document ID must be 13 characters long! Amount of serial numbers is larger than on the certificate! Go on anyway? Tax type must exist defined! Journal entry not counterbalanced! Cost center must be defined! Journal entry not balanced! Please cheque. Journal entry not counterbalanced. Please bank check. Proceed anyway? Atena user with this code already exists! User does not exist in database! A user with this code already exists! Data import complete! The target document type already contains documents! When using the cash accounting scheme, a date must be entered in the Greenbacks Accounting Start box (Settings | Programme Parameters | Goods | VAT)! Your screen resolution is XXXxYYY. At to the lowest degree 1024×786 is recommended for PANTHEON! Order validity has expired! Exercise you desire to add it anyway? Link broken! Linked document XXX already used YYY! Do you desire to edit entry? Linked document X (YYY) must be specified. The linked document still exists in outstanding payments! Continue anyway? The linked document still exists in outstanding receivables! Proceed anyway? Data tin simply be entered for the last call from history! Enter character! Entered quantity as well big! The entered quantity is not a multiplier of the UM1:UM2 gene! ID: XX Quantity: YY Gene: ZZ The entered serial number does not exist! The entered certificate creation engagement is invalid! Entered corporeality is too high! Vnos banke pri tujem računu je obvezen podatek Tax blazon must be defined! Serial number must be entered in line X! Toll center must be specified. Subject must be defined! Changes will non exist saved! ID must exist specified! Changes not saved! The source certificate type does not exist! The target document blazon does not exist! The certificate blazon does non be (3rd, 4th and 5th character)! Incorrect document blazon! Document types must be defined! The document type for greenbacks disbursements must be defined! The document blazon for greenbacks receipts must be divers! Transaction document type must be defined! Item type must be defined! The blazon of interest rate must be specified! Detail has an wrong stock-still price! Input non possible! Item has an wrong fixed toll! Certificate (Xxx) already has form DDV-VP (YYY). It cannot be deleted! Za dokument (Thirty) je že kreiran blagajniški prejemek/izdatek Za dokument (Thirty) je že kreiran virman Sorry/Intrastat for this certificate already created! It cannot be deleted anymore! For difficult allocations a warehouse must be specified! Document must be approved in lodge to create payment orders Form DDV-VP (Thirty) already has a cash disbursement (YYY). It cannot be deleted! A picking list has already been created for the order line(s)! Do you want to delete information technology anyway? Value entry not allowed for this type of cost (0)! This document type cannot be transferred! A warehouse must be specified in society to find the purchase toll. You do not have the required authorization for this operation (Xxx)! Za to operacijo nisi avtoriziran (30)! (Dokumenta ne moreš več spreminjati!) Functioning for this document type (Twenty) is non finished! No Intrastat report needs to exist filled by the intermediary in triangular transactions! Only customer or supplier lines can be selected for closure! Start, limit, and terminate date must be defined! Search for initial residuum is possible only for the first and just calculation! Item stock cannot exist negative! Entered quantity: 10, available quantity: Y Stock has fallen beneath minimum. Stock cannot be less than aught! ID: XXX Country of caput role has been inverse! Bank check the tax number prefix! The destination record does non be in the register! Continue anyway? Record with this principal key (Xx) already exists! Record cannot be deleted because records in the following tables are dependent on it: Call history must be entered earlier entering promised payments! Amount invoiced and amount paid are not equal! Exercise you want to update the guild validity accordingly? XML stored procedures are not supported in fibers mode. IRIS 4185 The parameters Available Stock and Finished must be equal on all document types! IRIS 4849 Prepayment and receivable/payable do not belong to the same department and cost center! Prepayments can be closed but for one currency! IRIS 4035 General ledger opening date must be defined! IRIS 4680 Reception engagement must be equal to the VAT date! IRIS 4061 Tax type for VAT-free goods purchase does not match revenue enhancement blazon from parameters! IRIS 5267 Report is possible simply on date of or after than general ledger opening date IRIS 3374 Post cannot exist changed! It has already been opened or closed! IRIS 4116 The account (XX) for subject (YY) still contains an outstanding payment! IRIS 4554 The set-off accounts still contain outstanding payments! IRIS 4791 Buy type has been changed! Do y'all desire to recalculate VAT? IRIS 4688 Purchase/sale type has been changed! Do you want to change the revenue enhancement ID prefix! IRIS 5027 Error in formula (20) in line (YY)! Cosmos mistake! IRIS 4231 Tasks for successful and unsuccessful enforcement not set! IRIS 4134 The transaction certificate type (20) is predefined! IRIS 4013 Re-create authorization settings from user (XX) to group (YY) IRIS 4014 Copy card settings from user (XX) to grouping (YY) IRIS 5377 Checks full: (Twenty), disbursement line: (YY) IRIS 4152 The sum of installments is dissimilar from the amount to pay! IRIS 3972 The system date of the workstation (Xx) does not match the date of the server (YY)! IRIS 4038 Endeavour of sending electronic mail not successful! Server not available! IRIS 5266 Opening entry not defined or incorrect! IRIS 3790 Current yr in Plan Parameters does not match organisation engagement! Set up it in parameters! IRIS 4868 Receivable/payable and payment do not belong to the same section and cost cente! IRIS 4683 Entered documents non still posted! IRIS 5566 The difference between the calculated and the entered VAT amount is greater than than 0.v%! IRIS 3962 Temporary code has expired! Calculation or editing records non possible anymore! IRIS 5819 Only numbers (0 - 9) can be entered in the credit reference IRIS 5572 IRIS 5679 HERA and PANTHEON messages IRIS 5573 SE manufacturing letters Calculation successfully created! IRIS 6158 The document blazon of the document(due south) to exist created is not set! Unable to delete document! Receipt already created. IRIS 7726 SWIFT code of foreign bank Messages in Fixed Assets [Expand] Messages in Creating e-Slog XML Errors in Journal Entry Creation Messages in Foreign Currency Transactions Errors in Transactions Messages in Creating Reports Messages in Employment Messages in Calendars Messages in Travel Management IRIS 6158 The document type of the document(s) to be created is not prepare! Messages in Employment Files IRIS 6276 Change currency in document header Messages in VAT Greenbacks Accounting IRIS 6277 No substitution charge per unit defined Errors in Posting VAT Account Errors in Posting Invoices Issued IRIS 6302 There are exchange rates missing for January one, 2007 Errors in Posting Invoices Received Errors in Posting Textile Consumption Errors in Posting Customs Errors in Posting Trips Messages in Set-offs Errors in Depreciation Adding Errors in Payroll IRIS 6650 HERA Messages IRIS 6651 Stock is below zero! IRIS 6652 Price is zero! IRIS 6653 Stock is negative! IRIS 6654 Value is less than zero! IRIS 6655 The stock value is different from zero, but the quantity is nil! IRIS 6656 - Stock-still price non set! IRIS 6687 - Licenca za program bo potekla v xy dneh! IRIS 7376 Amount on the payment order is too high IRIS 7513 Bank account from depository financial institution argument does not exist or has no certificate type IRIS 7573 Salvage value of stock-still nugget is higher than its cost. IRIS 7645 Banking concern account and/or account already in utilize IRIS 7647 Alter amount on existing payment society or create new payment order IRIS 7648 Substitution rate cannot be aught IRIS 7688 Depository financial institution business relationship from bank statement does not exist or no bank reconciliation certificate blazon is divers Database Messages and Warnings IRIS 7738 Special payment order from invoice valued over 1000 EUR IRIS 7739 Information on foreign payment order not adequate [Expand] Additional Programs Opening or closing round subclass missing! Debugging Formulas [Expand] Testing and Debugging Formulas Opening or closing square bracket missing! Provisional argument at position x not enclosed in square brackets! Syntax error in conditional argument. Correct syntax is [status:value] Adjacent operators (xx)! Concluding character of the formula is an operator! Variable non enclosed in hashes (#)! Illegal characters: xyz Unknown error! [Expand] User Transmission for Datalab PANTHEON Farming [Expand] User Site Adjacent hashes! The line number must be an integer (#xx#)! The first character of #xx# must be a transaction blazon or a cavalcade marker! The first character of #xx# must be an operation type (R, South, O or A)! The second graphic symbol of #xx# must be a transaction blazon (D, K, S, P, or O)! Variable not defined [Expand] Kralicek Quicktest Financial Ratios

"Cannot Open Database ""Odiprep"" Requested by the Login. The Login Failed."


Source: https://usersite.datalab.eu/pantheonusermanual/tabid/316/language/rm-ch/topic/login-to-database-failed%21-cannot-open-database-requested-in-login-demo55-/htmlid/3329/default.aspx

Posted by: paulsamess.blogspot.com


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